Sunday, June 13, 2010

Later still

Well, this week was tied up with too much class work. I also started taking some Spanish classes. My teacher, Alan, comes by and works with me for a couple of hours each day. But that’s not to say we didn’t have any fun!

Mariel and I hosted a small gathering of friends…I’m still in the process of meeting her friends.

Waiting for the guests to arrive

But we had a good time enjoying some wine and cheese…and we would have had some sausages but unfortunately we forgot in all the excitement to check the stove…and well…you know how cooking sausage at the best of times causes the whole house to smell like sausage? Well, when you burn sausage the effect is much more dramatic and long lasting…anyhow…Mel got some good treats that day, and we fumigated the Luza’s house thoroughly. But there was still plenty to be had, and the wine from Argentina, Chille, and Bolivia was more than satisfying.

Afterwards, Mariel, Susana, and I went out to one of the more colorful areas of town and hit what Mariel called “The Fake Hard Rock Café.” It was pretty exciting and the music was great. In this part of town are a lot of Gringos, and I made one more. It is a fairly touristy place and for a minute I thought I was finally understanding a lot of Spanish until I realized it was just more people speaking English. We moved from there to another cool, touristy place called Mongos. It was here I probably should have stopped with the drinking, but what was one more Fernet?

The next morning I realized that perhaps I should have stopped with the wine…live and learn. With a little rest and some more great food, Pique Macho this time, I was almost human again. More on the Pique Macho and Fernet to come, I’m working on a food blog next!
That night we went out to a new place with some more of Mariel’s friends; basically we just kept celebrating Mariel’s birthday. After starting at Bar Bar Ohs…a cool little bar…we moved on to some dancing, and the next thing I knew it was 4:00 in the morning. The party really does start late here and end early…I wonder if perhaps I am too old for La Paz! But it was a lot of fun.

.....and I would want to leave why?

Then on Sunday we had a lunch at a Chinese restaurant with some very close friends/family. Sr. Roberto and his wife Sonia and thier children Monica, Roberto, and Cynthia were kind enough to treat Mariel and me as a further extension of our engagement party. We had a great time and, of course, the food was incredible. After lunch, dessert and tea at their home. I was a bit overwhelemed by the very generous welcome to the family. They are very warm and friendly, and it makes me realize again how lucky I am to be joining such a great family.

Food, Family, Fun

And after that we met up with Tetsuro. Tetsuro is another student from the ELTI at UNCC. He is taking some time to travel around South America, and we met him downtown at his Hostel and we went for a scenic drive around the city and a coffee and dinner. Tetsuro is from Japan…congrats btw Japan on the game today…and Tetsuro is having a real adventure. He relayed some of his stories about Peru. It was really interesting to get his perspective. He’s a brave one. Next month Mariel and I will be seeing some of the same places he just visited, and it made me excited all over again. So, as soon as I am finished with this class and as soon as Mariel gets some vacation time…we are in for some fun traveling.

So, good luck Tetsuro with the rest of your trip, and I’ll see you back in Charlotte where we can exchange stories. Keep an eye out for the food blog coming.

There are some extra pics on the Facebook page if you are interested.


1 comment:

  1. I don't think you partied this much in college! You sure seem to be having fun and how lucky to join a family where they are so welcoming. I would say make the most of it, but it looks like you already are!
